On sweet undeniable feeling of power of international intellectual feudalism, bias, discrimination, censoring and theft
Galen combined passion and intensity with unusual modesty about his own accomplishments, giving credit to others’ achievements. He was a world-known scientist in electrocardiology and cardiology who trained directly and indirectly thousands of physicians around the world. Galen’s legacy is amazing and expressed in so many ways by his textbooks, excellent research, leadership at the Journal of Electrocardiology, by his inspiration for so many clinicians and researchers. We promise to continue in the IRIS mission and develop further these international courses, to utilize this unique program
Professor Ahmet Birand born in 1938, graduated from high school in Ankara. From 1955 till 1961 he underwent undergraduate studies at Medical Faculties of Ankara University and Izmir University. In Izmir, he further finished his specialization in internal medicine and in 1970, he obtained the degree of associate professor. Professor Birand had started his career at Cukurova University in Adana, in 1974 as an associate professor of internal medicine clinic.
Usenbek B. Baisakov physician by vocation, who devoted himself to serve medicine, was a careful attentive family man, a husband and a father, a kind colleague.